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He's devoted a lifetime to helping at-risk youth . . .

and now he’s written a book about his greatest passion . . .

The recipient of Minnesota’s Governor’s Award for service to at-risk youth, Dan was the originator of Operation Aware which has since expanded to over 200 cities nation wide, the founder of Up To You, a program dedicated to inner city at-risk teens, and a participant in domestic and international youth oriented programs over a lifetime.

A student of the Bible for the past 35 years, Dan’s passion for seeking God’s word has led him back to its Greek and Hebrew origins.  His latest book shares with you some of the profound Biblical mysteries that are foundational to the Christian faith . . .

Now available through all good bookstores world wide

Books by
Dan Celentano

The Bible is a Treasure Trove of Remarkable Truths Still Waiting to be Discovered

In the church we went to as a child the pastor would read a few verses from the New Testament, a few from the Old, and then preach on them or, on occasion, preach on something totally unrelated.

Usually it was the latter.

As time went on I felt there had to be more to God’s Word than what was being taught and I yearned to know what it was. After thirty-five years of research and intense study, what I learned fascinated me. I discovered things I never knew existed in the bible, things I could now personally lean on in my relationship with God, when I go through hard times, or for the times I question my purpose in life.

Although there are many more, I would like to share with you just “Ten Biblical Mysteries Most Pastors Don’t Talk About.”

    • Why God wants all Christians to reach “The End of The Lord”?
    • “The First Earth Age?” . . .  Understanding what happened in the First Earth Age,  may be the key to truly understanding many of the in-depth mysteries of the bible.
    • What really happened in the Garden of Eden?
    • Understanding why “Jesus IS God.”
    • What will happen in the “End Times,” which is soon upon us?
    • “The Path of Your Life;”  God’s plan and your life’s path . . .  a coincidence?
    • So, what does happen “When We Die?”
    • The “Locust Army” is here with us today. Who are they, why are they so dangerous, and how can you fight them?
    • How much do you really understand about  The Knowledge of God . . .  and how do the traditions of men distort and blur The Knowledge of God?